The modern world is fast-paced, complex, uncertain and ‘on’. The modern mind therefore requires a modern toolkit to develop the resilience, awareness and focus to flourish rather than flounder.

Cognitive/solution oriented hypnosis in a clinical setting continues to rapidly gain traction around the world as a professional, safe, highly effective and natural modality for healing and transformation whatever the issue.

Testament to this movement, several elite universities in the USA including Yale and Stanford now provide hypnotherapy as a standard health service for stress and pain relief. This forward-facing, empowering approach to wellbeing is a key to the health of us as individuals and as a society.

How can I help you?

  • Do you feel on edge and unsure of how you are going to cope in certain situations? Are your worries limiting you everyday from struggling with how you get out of the house and to work in the morning to whether or not you accept an invitation to an event? Is the fear of having an anxiety attack affecting your mental and physical health, your career or your relationships?

    Anxiety attacks or panic disorders are when intense mental or emotional anxiety is experienced resulting in physical symptoms like dizziness, the shakes or tremors, muscle pain or tension, a quickened heartbeat or pulse, a dry mouth and/or shortness of breath. Anxiety attacks understandably can be really scary and quite debilitating.

    Generalized Anxiety Disorder or Social Anxiety Disorder are the labels often given to people who suffer from these experiences. The Modern Mind Clinic doesn’t believe in labelling clients with such terms, as they don’t empower the sufferer to believe that they have all the resources within them to resolve their struggles. We know that you do. You just need strategic support to reconnect with your own inner strengths and resources. Together we focus on your personal circumstances and treat, support and up-skill you accordingly with the best modern evidence based tools and strategies available to get you the results you need and deserve.

  • Having trouble sleeping? Sick of feeling tired all the time? Is it impacting your health, your relationships and your happiness? Sleep insomnia compromises our general ability to cope with daily life, sometimes with very serious repercussions.

    Depending on the statistics it is estimated that between 30-40% of the population suffer from chronic insomnia. In today’s connected world most of us are walking around over stimulated, over-stressed and under rested. For many in modern, affluent societies, the first and last thing we do is stimulate our minds, bodies and emotions via connection to some sort of technology whether it be our phones, laptops, televisions or game consoles. Enter sleep insomnia.

    When you consider the vital role that sleep plays in allowing our minds and bodies the opportunity to replenish, heal, rebalance and process information, then it comes as no surprise that sleep insomnia can be very detrimental. Chronic stress, depression, addictions, relationship, health or learning challenges and many diseases are closely linked to sleep insomnia. The statistics on sleep insomnia’s role in most unforced human caused accidents and disasters is too alarming to even quote. There is a reason why sleep deprivation has been used an insidious form of torture in military operations throughout our history!

    Whether you have trouble getting to sleep in the first instance (primary insomnia) or wake up in the middle of the night and struggle to get back to sleep (middle insomnia), cognitive based therapy has proven success in helping you to break the habit. Without a doubt all of our clients who develop the ability to sleep properly report positive changes across many areas of their lives and only wish they’d come to see us sooner!

    You deserve to have, enjoy and benefit from a healthy sleep routine.

  • Are you experiencing relationship problems? Are you unhappy in your current relationship or feeling unlucky in love or heartbroken? Are there relationships in your life that are toxic, stuck or dishonest and you don’t know what to do?

    Without a doubt unhealthy relationships are unhealthy for us. Without a doubt positive relationships are very good for us. Whether you want to develop more positive relationships within your marriage or romantic life, with your children, parents or other family members, at work, in the community or (most importantly) with yourself, we have proven cognitive tools and resources to support you.

    Relationship difficulties are a part of life. Recognising where you can and should take responsibility for changes and improvements and also developing the wisdom to recognize where you can’t, are fundamental skills that will benefit you and those around you for the rest of your life. Due to the nature of life, relationships are always moving targets but if positive relationships are one of your values and you are open to learning and taking action accordingly, then the emotional, physical, practical and soul level benefits will be your well earned reward.

    Positive relationships are one of the great gifts and opportunities of being human and you deserve to enjoy them no matter what your past or present situation look like.

  • As mammals and animals who are programmed for survival, fear is a very natural response. Whilst fear can and should serve an important role in our lives to ensure we stay safe and continue to learn and grow, unfortunately too many people are living with too much fear leading to many unpleasant and debilitating conditions. These include social phobias, generalised anxiety disorder, panic attacks and many others fears and phobias. When fear takes over, symptoms can range from mild to severe and even dangerous. Physical stress can include muscle tension and pain, headaches, dizziness, nausea, panic attacks, insomnia or loss of appetite to more long term serious illnesses and diseases due to the immune and nervous systems being compromised for too long. Mental confusion, feelings of helplessness and being trapped can also feel very real. Social impacts like not being able to leave the house; accept an invitation to a party or a new job; drive a car or commit to or trust in a relationship, can also obviously have profound detrimental effects on your quality of life.

    The good news is that all fears and phobias are actually learnt responses, albeit unconsciously learnt. Now that neuroplasticity has proven that we can change our brains and our responses, with the right support and commitment to change, you can quickly become liberated from your fears. Whether your life has been limited from a social phobia; panic attacks; fear of flying; fear of spiders; fear of public speaking; exam stress; claustrophobia or any other fear, phobia or anxiety, together we can redefine how you respond to circumstances in a positive and empowered way that removes suffering.

  • Modern day life can be very busy, demanding and exhausting. We live in the ‘age of interruption’ with information overload. The dramatic escalation of technology in recent years has created new addictions, dependencies and disorders including an addiction to Facebook, Twitter and other social media addictions and problems. Without a doubt technology has transformed our lives for the better in so many ways. Can you even remember having to line up at the bank to pay your bills? Or using 1 precious pack of film with your clunky camera to cover your summer holiday rather than firing off dozens of photos on your smart phone every day without a thought? Or travelling overseas and having to communicate with loved ones back home via telegram or expensive collect call rather than email, Zoom or Facebook?

    Technology enhances, enriches and literally saves lives every day. It also has the potential to distract, sap and overtake our lives if we let it. Our lives are now so mobile-driven and ‘mediatised’ that we are constantly reminded of what we don’t yet have but want. It’s taken FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) to a whole new level that can never be satiated if we buy into the frenzy. As uncertainty escalates in our rapidly changing society, people are also drawn to the ability to represent their lives in a more controlled way than their lives are in reality. People only tend to post the attractive ‘idealised’ photos on Instagram for instance rather than a selfie of themselves being ill or after fighting with their partner or binge eating a whole packet of biscuits.

    People with an addition to Facebook are now suffering from mental, emotional and physical challenges including cognitive fatigue, memory loss, cyber bullying and Continuous Partial Attention Syndrome (PAS). PAS is when we’re connected to so many different media and information inputs during the day that we elude ourselves into thinking we’re actually being busy or productive rather than distracted, overwhelmed and off-task. This ‘screen sucking phenomena’ is a significant shift in how we live our lives. It is said the average person checks their phone every 7 minutes, with many of us checking one of our devices first thing in the morning and last thing at night and literally hundreds of times in between meaning that we simply aren’t focussing and working effectively.

    Anxiety, procrastination, sleep disturbance, anger and control issues, envy, restlessness, shame and guilt are just some of the symptoms that can occur from an addiction to Facebook or other social media formats.

    And a social media addiction is just like any other addiction or dependency in regards to the underlying problems whether it be alcohol, drugs, smoking, gambling, spending, OCD, sugar, chocolate, junk food, comfort eating, nail biting…Whilst they are all very different addictions they are all painful symptoms of experiencing lack in some way, having an unbalanced positive association to something or of having poor coping or self-regulation skills.

  • Do you find yourself eating more than you need or want without knowing why? Is food a source of comfort for you that feels beyond your control? Are you ready to stop emotional eating?

    Habitual eating or comfort eating are becoming more prevalent as we continue to develop technology that makes our lives more convenient, efficient, sedentary, over-stimulated and plugged in.

    With 1 in 4 adults in the western world now living alone the way we eat has changed dramatically. Instead of sitting down to a group ritual of sharing food and connection at the table, more and more often we eat alone, whilst in a rush or multi-tasking and distracted. Emotional eating is a popular way to soothe negative emotions including stress, fear, inadequacy and anger. Many of our clients also report a sense of loneliness, self-sabotage, self-loathing or misguided control, none of which should be connected to the life giving health and social benefits of food.

    We can help you reconnect with your own abilities to eat with awareness, control and enjoyment i.e. stop emotional eating. Whether your favourite vice is sugar, chocolate, salty foods, fried foods, junk food or anything that is in the fridge or can be ordered online, we can help.

  • Stress is without a doubt a modern epidemic. Meeting a person who is not stressed in fact is quite the unexpected rarity! With all the ‘hats’ that we tend to wear these days combined with the pace, pressure and overstimulation of daily life, its no wonder really.

    If any of these are familiar to you then we’re here to help – stress, worry, anxiety, fears, phobias, panic attacks, weight issues, obsessive compulsive disorders, addiction, pain, insomnia and depression.

    Most of my clients are stretching themselves across so many areas —

    • Trying to advance, protect or find a new career

    • Relationship problems

    • Health challenges

    • Financial worries

    • Grief

    • Cultural or ethnic factors

    • Stage of life transitions – career, relationship, parenting, retirement

    • Unfulfilled expectations

    • Environmental issues

    • The pervasive intrusion, demands and distractions of technology

    • Caring for others who are dependent on you

    • International conflict

    the list goes on…..

    Here at The Modern Mind Clinic we use evidence based stress management techniques to co-create solutions to free you from suffering. Whilst so many of us suffer with similar struggles our approach is customised uniquely for you. As well as ‘in session’ stress management strategies we will provide you with your very own arsenal of stress management techniques to use as and when life throws you any challenges moving forward. So if you are ready to say goodbye to stress, worry and anxiety and want your life from here on to be one of empowered joy and freedom, then we’d love to work with you and make that happen.

  • Is raising kids proving to be much harder than you thought? Are you feeling worn out, lost, confused or unsupported? Are you sick of your kids fighting, not helping out, listening or talking to you? Are you worried about your child?

    Being a parent can be one of the most joyful experiences imaginable. It can also be frustrating, maddening, exhausting and overwhelming! As a fellow parent who has great parenting days and not so great parenting days I understand only too well the challenges of raising kids.

    Unfortunately when we find ourselves with a newborn baby in our arms, he / she / they don’t come with a user manual. We can think and hope that love will be enough but often it isn’t whether your child is newborn, a toddler, young child, teenager or adult. Even if you were lucky enough to have a positive experience being raised by your parents, modeling how they did it is also no longer enough. The world is a very different place today than it was a generation ago let alone a year ago.

    Raising kids can be an experience where everyone involved thrives. So if you’re ready to be free of disharmony at home and are willing to learn how to communicate more effectively, then we can help. Private and confidential consultations are available for mums, dads, carers and kids. Contact us now.

  • “Destiny is not a matter of chance, it’s a matter of choice; it’s not a thing to be waited for, it’s a thing to be achieved.”William Jennings Bryan

    Coaching is available as a stand-alone service or as a follow up to therapy. We’ve found so many of our hypnosis clients transform from a negative, stuck state to a forward facing, energised state that the natural progression is to harness this new commitment with skill building and vision. Following up with a results-focused and measurable coaching series accelerates outcomes so that not only are clients getting unstuck but they’re also defining and realising their ‘best life’. When you get clear on what you want your life to be, you start bringing it to you – that is you live by design rather than by default.

    If you’re a motivated individual who wants help attaining the highest vision for yourself, let’s talk.
